SLE4442 Secure Memory Smart Card - Contactless IC Card

SLE4442 Secure Memory Smart Card printing price list (Contactless IC Card):

Amount 250 500 1000 2000 3000 5000 10000
Price $280 $410 $660 $1195 $1550 $2350 $4260

SLE4442 Secure Memory Smart Card - Contactless IC Card Description:

Memory card is a kind of contact mode card. There is a chip-trough on one side of the card. The capacity of the chips ranges between 1kbit and 64kbit.

Application area: Data storage, phone card, campus card and so on.

- Synchronous communication protocol, ISO 7816 compatible
- EEPROM size is 256 bytes split into the following areas:

  26 bytes for card manufacturer data

  2 bytes for card issuer reference

  4 bytes for card identification data

  224 bytes for main user data
- Access to the memory is protected by a 3 byte secret code for data write only
- Free Read of Data (except PIN)
- Answer to reset according to ISO 7816/3 standard
- Data retention is up to 10 years
- Non reversible byte-wise write protection of lowest 32 addresses
   (byte 0 ~31)
- 20 ℃ + 50 ℃ operating range

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